December 15 - 19
- Finishing up our snowman stories: the blue class needs to finish writing the final copy and then illustrate, the red class is working on illustrating
- writing a Santa tale given a prompt
- phonics: letters a, b, f, d, and g
- phonics: common word list #1 - the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, that, it
- phonics: building consonant-vowel-consonant words
- phonics: nonsense consonant-vowel-consonant words
- comprehension strategy: ask someone to define the word
- comprehension strategy: cause and effect
- comprehension strategy: compare and contrast
- math: begin working on the standard algorithm (see below) for two-digit addition with regrouping
- on Friday we will have holiday rotations to learn about different holiday customs around the world
November 9 - 12
- Holiday music assembly: Wednesday @ 1:00
- creative writing narrative: What does your snowman do at night? Circle map, flow map with transition words and details, opening (who, what, and when) and closing (who, what, and how) sentences
- math: horizontal two-digit addition using expanded form (no regrouping yet) - see below
- math: vertical two-digit addition using expanded form (no regrouping yet) - see below
- power hour: continuing to work on becoming fluent readers who can effectively comprehend what they read
- fluency strategy: using punctuation to enhance phrasing/prosody
- comprehension strategy: main idea and supporting details
Here is what we will be working on in Spanish class:
- science: the phases of the moon (full - luna llena, half - cuarto menguante, new - luna nueve, quarter - cuarto creciente)
- science - color and brightness of stars, constellations (video)
- social studies - ponsettias (flor de la nochebuena)
- math: two-digit addition vertical expanded form (with and without regrouping)
- math: place value quiz (see big rock #2 above)
- words with z,c, or s that make an /s/ sound: salida, paso, sopita, hizo, dice, cereal, cima, taza, zorro, lazos, cien, solo
- high frequency words: escuchar, encima, tirar, fuerza, igual, facil, malo
We will teach the children three different algorithms for completing multi-digit addition problems. Last week they learned how to use the expanded form algorithm (some people call it the partial-sums algorithm). We have only worked with numbers that do not require regrouping so far. It looks like this:
We have also been working on the expanded form algorithm in a vertical format. It looks like this:
November 17 - 21
- math: greater than, less than
- math: hundreds place value quiz
- math: using place value to add/subtract tens and hundreds
- content: the importance of balance in a diet
- comprehension strategy: using pictures, illustrations, and diagrams
- comprehension strategy: using text features
- comprehension strategy: author's purpose (PIE - persuade, inform, educate)
- narrative writing about the best day you ever had - circle map, flow map, adding transition words and details
- Daily 5: continuing to work on becoming fluent readers who can effectively comprehend fiction and non-fiction text (ie: read grade-level text with purpose and understanding)
- word work: distinguish long and short vowels in regularly spelled one-syllable words
- sight words: algo, caer, fuego, manera, nido, nubes
- discussing the characteristics of fiction versus non-fiction
- spelling words: gota, llego, apaga, ganso, persigue, regalo, guiso, gato, gol, alguna, guinda, fuego
- content: food words (vegetables, fruit, dessert, beverage)
- content - making good food choices to maintain a balanced diet
- math: review skip-counting, place value (centenas, decenas, and unidades), number words (0-1,000)
- math: different ways to write numbers (standard form, word form, expanded form, and picture form)
- math: greater than and less than
November 10 - 14
- narrative writing - with details and transition words
- writing from a flow map
- writing a topic sentence
- writing a concluding sentence
- comprehension strategy: using pictures, illustrations, and diagrams
- fluency strategy: adjust rate
- comprehension strategy: using text features
- Daily 5: continuing to work on becoming fluent readers that comprehend text
- math: place value - multiple tens (ie: 14 tens = 140)
- math: using place value to add/subtract - subtracting hundreds and tens
- math: skip-counting by tens and hundreds when the beginning number is not a ten or hundred (ie: 237, 337, 437, etc)
- Tuesday: Veteran's Day assembly @ 1:00
November 3 - 7
- final assessment for writing a letter (ie: can they do it without my help)
- math test on Tuesday: chapter 1 - place value, odds and evens, skip-counting by fives and tens
- continued narrative writing practice
- reading comprehension strategy: summarize
- expanding vocabulary strategy: tune in to interesting words
- math: adding two digit numbers (no regrouping yet)
- sight words: many, these, time, no/know
- how to use a dictionary
- Daily 5: we've shuffled a few kids this week that met goals, or who needed different instruction - so, if your child says they have a new teacher for reading, you know why. There will be big changes to Daily 5 for the red class next week.
October 27 - 31
- writing a narrative paragraph using the entire narrative writing process (circle map, tree map, adding details, writing, editing, and illustrating)
- learning how to edit your own writing
- assessment of number bonds/facts to 10 (ALL students should be proficient in this by now)
- place value through hundreds
- expanded form
- assessment of basic place value (tens and ones) and expanded form (tens and ones)
- igneous and sedimentary rocks
- reading comprehension strategy: retell
- reading comprehension strategy: summarize
- expanding vocabulary strategy: tune in to interesting words
Here is what we will be working on in Spanish class:
- science: rocks (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic)
- math: place value (tens-decenas and ones-unidades)
- math: number words (ones, 0-cero to 9-nueve and tens, 10-diez to 90-noventa)
- math: skip-counting by tens (diez, veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa
- math: skip-counting by fives (cinco, diez, quince, veinte, etc.)
- reading: Trees Everywhere - 1) identify important ideas and facts, 2) identify the main idea, 3) determine word meaning, 4) discuss ideas related to the literature
- high-frequency words: abeja, animales, dulce, hojas, naranja, pajaro, rama, sombra
- spelling words (words with j, g, and x): jabon, rojo, gente, jugada, gemelo, frijol, junto, jugo, Texas, jinete, jamas gesto
October 20 -24
- writing a letter - greeting, body, and closing
- reading accuracy strategy: skip the word
- reading accuracy strategy: trade a word
- expanding vocabulary strategy: voracious reading
- expanding vocabulary strategy: tune in to interesting words
- reading accuracy strategy: flip the sound
- place value - tens and ones
- place value - expanded form, standard form, word form
- science: rocks
- Power Hour/Daily 5: working on becoming better readers and spellers
- the fire trailer from the Logan City Fire Department will be at Bridger on Thursday and Friday (don't know when our turn will be yet)
Reflex Math
October 6 - 10
- writing several compound sentences on the same topic
- writing a letter
- Daily 5 - guided reading and spelling
- math: array - repeated addition
- math: counting up
- math: bar models
- math: bubble test practice
- reading strategy: flip the sounds
- reading strategy: ask questions
- Monday - last day of Good Touch/Bad Touch (had a mix-up and missed one day last week)
Here is what we will be working on in Spanish class this week:
- review of gravity
- rocks: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, and weathering
- math: subtracting using a number line
- math: vocabulary that indicates when to add or when to subtract
- reading: camping vocabulary for Henry and Mudge - acampar (camping), tirito (tremble), babeo (drool), faroles (lantern)
- sight words: ayer (yesterday), casi (almost), llegar (to arrive), siempre (always), carro (car), comida (food)
- writing a letter to a pen pal
- social studies: community connection (making a piñata for the Logan City Library Gallery Walk)
Conference Scheduling
- Choose 'Bridger' from the drop down list and click "go."
- Enter the school password (bears).
- Enter your student's ID (it is their lunch number).
- Verify your student's birth date.
- A list of teachers will be displayed - check the box next to the name of each teacher you would like to meet with. Ms. Navarro and I will be conducting conferences together, so you only need to schedule one conference to meet with both of us.
- Select the conference time that works best for your schedule.
- Once you have finished, confirm your appointment details and print your schedule.
September 29 - October 3
- compound sentences with details
- counting up (when subtracting, start at the bottom number and "count up" to the top number to get the answer)
- class mission statement
- reading strategy: infer
- reading strategy: predict
- Good Touch/Bad Touch - Tues.-Thur. @ 1:50
- gravity
- reading reward on Thursday @ 145 (this is only for those students that met the reading goal of 380 minutes in October)
September 22 - 26
- making compound sentences
- counting on
- bridging (or branching) in math
- fluency strategy: choosing appropriate level text
- comprehension strategy: infer and support
- comprehension strategy: predict
- hearing screenings - Friday morning
- healthy eating assembly - Monday afternoon
- We have officially begun Power Hour (our reading instruction time), so if your child has been talking about going to another teacher for reading, that is why. We have grouped the students by their needs according to our DIBELS testing, and each teacher is working on one area of need. For example, I work with students that need to improve their accuracy, while students that are working on letter sounds go to Mrs. Webb, etc. We will be monitoring their progress weekly and move them to different groups as necessary.
- bridging (or branching) in math
- ten bonds and doubles
- math terms: sum, counting on, doubles, number sentence, addends
- comparing and contrasting seasonal weather patterns
- culture: Hispanic Heritage month, El Salvador, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, and Costa Rica
- Language arts: closed syllables (atan, otros, buscan, isla, pasta, mas, alma, corte, gustan, sol, alto, barcos)
- reading vocabulary: atronauta (astronaut), gravedad (gravity), telescopio (telescope), experimentos (experiments), transbordador (rocket/spaceship)
September 15 - 19
- Vision screening on Monday
- Picture day on Wednesday
- doubles and ten facts
- counting on
- adjectives - what are they? How are they used?
- begin official Daily 5 reading instruction (some students may be going to other rooms in order to meet their specific needs)
- comprehension strategy: use prior knowledge
- accuracy strategy: use the picture
- paragraph writing
- science: germs
Here is what we will be working on in Spanish this week:
Friday is a short day. School will be out at 12:00.
September 8 - 12
- writing simple sentences (have a noun and a verb, begin with a capital letter, end with punctuation, and make sense)
- didn't get to adjectives last week, so that is still on the agenda for this week
- ten frames
- even and odd numbers
- the meaning of the equal sign - this may sound really basic, but at this point most students don't have a complete understanding of what it means, and that it can be used in many ways.
- comprehension strategy: cross-checking
- comprehension strategy: monitor and fix-up
- pronouns
- continuing to work on our stamina for Daily 5 routines and procedures (the red group made it a full 20 minutes last week during their read to self time!)
- goal for take-home book reading - 5 nights this week (100 minutes total)
- continue with composing and decomposing numbers (6-10)
- doubles
- math terms: sum, counting on, doubles, number sentence
- phonics: closed syllables
- comprehension: main idea
- vocabulary skill: position words
- fluency: accuracy and rate
- high frequency words: viaje, aprender, lleno, dormir, mientras, limpio
- social studies: healthy relationships
September 1 - September 5
- take-home book reading goal = 80 minutes (4 nights of 20 minutes)
- art - we will finish our self-portraits on Tuesday morning
- making and identifying simple sentences: starts with a capital, ends with punctuation, makes sense, contains a noun and a verb
- adjectives - What are they? How do I use them?
- creating a class mission statement - What do we want to accomplish this year?
- comprehension strategy: back-up and reread (didn't get to this last week!)
- comprehension strategy: cross-checking
- social studies: choices and consequences
- Daily 5: continuing to increase our stamina for reading to self, continuing to practice our word work routine, and introducing our procedure for buddy reading
- math talk about 10
Here is what we will be working on in the Spanish side this week:
- math: fact families
- math: working with 6 and 7(bonds, composing/decomposing, counting by, etc)
- social studies: choices and consequences
- using complete sentences when they speak in Spanish
- math picture talk with numbers (showing the students a picture and talking about the groups and configuration of objects in the picture)
- comprehension strategy: back-up and reread (didn't get to this last week!)
- listening to songs, trying to sing along, and following along with the words on the screen ( the songs are Mi Gallito, Pollito Amarillito, and Pin Pon)
August 25 - 29
- Comprehension strategy: check for understanding
- Comprehension strategy: back-up and reread
- The three things needed to make a sentence: a capital letter at the beginning, punctuation at the end, and a complete thought (a noun and a verb)
- Nouns, verbs, and adjectives
- Words Their Way test to determine their spelling levels for word work
- We will begin working on our Daily 5 routines - focus on read to self this week
- Math Talk about 5
Here is what we will be working on in the Spanish side:
- Social Studies: community (people in the school)
- Math: working with 5 (bonds, composing/decomposing, counting by, etc)
- listening to stories and songs
- Comprehension strategy: check for understanding
- Comprehension strategy: back-up and reread
First Day
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