- Holiday music assembly: Wednesday @ 1:00
- creative writing narrative: What does your snowman do at night? Circle map, flow map with transition words and details, opening (who, what, and when) and closing (who, what, and how) sentences
- math: horizontal two-digit addition using expanded form (no regrouping yet) - see below
- math: vertical two-digit addition using expanded form (no regrouping yet) - see below
- power hour: continuing to work on becoming fluent readers who can effectively comprehend what they read
- fluency strategy: using punctuation to enhance phrasing/prosody
- comprehension strategy: main idea and supporting details
Here is what we will be working on in Spanish class:
- science: the phases of the moon (full - luna llena, half - cuarto menguante, new - luna nueve, quarter - cuarto creciente)
- science - color and brightness of stars, constellations (video)
- social studies - ponsettias (flor de la nochebuena)
- math: two-digit addition vertical expanded form (with and without regrouping)
- math: place value quiz (see big rock #2 above)
- words with z,c, or s that make an /s/ sound: salida, paso, sopita, hizo, dice, cereal, cima, taza, zorro, lazos, cien, solo
- high frequency words: escuchar, encima, tirar, fuerza, igual, facil, malo
We will teach the children three different algorithms for completing multi-digit addition problems. Last week they learned how to use the expanded form algorithm (some people call it the partial-sums algorithm). We have only worked with numbers that do not require regrouping so far. It looks like this:
We have also been working on the expanded form algorithm in a vertical format. It looks like this: