October 27 - 31

We have a busy week ahead!  There will be picture retakes on Wednesday for anyone who was absent last time, or for anyone who was not happy with their last picture. 
We will be going to the Ellen Eccles Theater on Thursday to see a production of Beauty and the Beast.  The buses will be loading at 12:00, and we will be returning at 2:30.  We have permission slips for everyone in the DLI program. 
On Friday, we will have our annual Halloween parade through the school.  It will begin at 8:20.  Parents are invited to attend (there will be seating in the gym).  Please remember, students cannot wear masks during the parade.  We also do not allow weapons of any sort, or costumes with too much gore.  We want to make sure that the parade is fun for everyone!  Students will be required to remove their costumes after the parade, so please ensure they have appropriate clothing on underneath.

Red Ribbon Week schedule: Monday - wear pajamas, Tuesday - crazy hair day, Wednesday - sports day, Thursday - wear red, and Friday - costume day!

Here is what we will be working on in English class this week:

Here is what we will be working on in Spanish class:
  • science: rocks (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic)
  • math: place value (tens-decenas and ones-unidades)
  • math: number words (ones, 0-cero to 9-nueve and tens, 10-diez to 90-noventa)
  • math: skip-counting by tens (diez, veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa
  • math: skip-counting by fives (cinco, diez, quince, veinte, etc.)
  • reading: Trees Everywhere - 1) identify important ideas and facts, 2) identify the main idea, 3) determine word meaning, 4) discuss ideas related to the literature
  • high-frequency words: abeja, animales, dulce, hojas, naranja, pajaro, rama, sombra
  • spelling words (words with j, g, and x): jabon, rojo, gente, jugada, gemelo, frijol, junto, jugo, Texas, jinete, jamas gesto
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