- writing several compound sentences on the same topic
- writing a letter
- Daily 5 - guided reading and spelling
- math: array - repeated addition
- math: counting up
- math: bar models
- math: bubble test practice
- reading strategy: flip the sounds
- reading strategy: ask questions
- Monday - last day of Good Touch/Bad Touch (had a mix-up and missed one day last week)
Here is what we will be working on in Spanish class this week:
- review of gravity
- rocks: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, and weathering
- math: subtracting using a number line
- math: vocabulary that indicates when to add or when to subtract
- reading: camping vocabulary for Henry and Mudge - acampar (camping), tirito (tremble), babeo (drool), faroles (lantern)
- sight words: ayer (yesterday), casi (almost), llegar (to arrive), siempre (always), carro (car), comida (food)
- writing a letter to a pen pal
- social studies: community connection (making a piƱata for the Logan City Library Gallery Walk)