September 22 - 26

We have two school-wide goals this year: 1) that students will be at school on time every day, and 2) that students will read for twenty minutes each night from their take-home books.  Our expectation is that 85% of our students will meet these goals each week.  We have been doing a fantastic job meeting goal #1; we have exceeded 85% every week so far.  We are not doing so well with goal #2; only 12 DLI students (out of 50 total) met the goal this week.  If students are doing their homework reading, they are meeting the goal.  

We have purposely structured homework to not last more than half an hour.  Students should be spending twenty minutes reading their take-home books in Spanish and English, and then ten minutes on math.  If it is taking longer or your student is getting frustrated because the work is too difficult, please let us know.

Here is what we will be working on this week in English:
  • making compound sentences
  • counting on
  • bridging (or branching) in math
  • fluency strategy: choosing appropriate level text
  • comprehension strategy: infer and support
  • comprehension strategy: predict
  • hearing screenings - Friday morning
  • healthy eating assembly - Monday afternoon
  • We have officially begun Power Hour (our reading instruction time), so if your child has been talking about going to another teacher for reading, that is why.  We have grouped the students by their needs according to our DIBELS testing, and each teacher is working on one area of need.  For example, I work with students that need to improve their accuracy, while students that are working on letter sounds go to Mrs. Webb, etc.  We will be monitoring their progress weekly and move them to different groups as necessary.

Here is what we will be working on this week in Spanish:
  • bridging (or branching) in math
  • ten bonds and doubles
  • math terms: sum, counting on, doubles, number sentence, addends
  • comparing and contrasting seasonal weather patterns
  • culture: Hispanic Heritage month, El Salvador, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, and Costa Rica 
  • Language arts: closed syllables (atan, otros, buscan, isla, pasta, mas, alma, corte, gustan, sol, alto, barcos)
  • reading vocabulary: atronauta (astronaut), gravedad (gravity), telescopio (telescope), experimentos (experiments), transbordador (rocket/spaceship)
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