- phonics: blends, digraphs, and special vowels that split (in syllable breaks)
- phonics: suffixes tial, us, and its
- phonics: assessment (spelling with final /k/ sound, decoding exceptions, suffixes)
- continue with response to literature - pulling information from text to use as a source for writing (you should have seen one come home last week about recycling - we read an article about recycling and then we wrote our own version using information from the article)
- comprehension: continue with Change Makers and the objectives outlined in the last post
- math: vocabulary (halves, thirds, fourths, whole, bar graph, line plot, and pictograph)
We have three special events this week. We will be having an internet safety assembly on Monday @ 12:45. The Rotary Club will be making their annual visit on Tuesday to pass out books, and to give a quick talk about community service. We will be going to Ellen Eccles on Wednesday to see Taiko drumming. The buses will leave at 9 AM, and we will return at 2 PM.