September 28 - October 2

Wow!  September really flew by.  Ms. Navarro and I will both be gone on Monday to attend a state-wide DLI training.  We have told the kids our expectations for their behavior when we have substitutes.  It would be nice if you could reinforce that at home; they are to behave and follow the same rules for a substitute as they would for us.  Here is what we will be working on in English this week:
  • phonics: making plurals with words that end in x and double s and z
  • phonics: special vowel combinations (-all, -ell, -oll, -ull, and -ill)
  • phonics: special vowel combinations (-ang, -ong, -ung, -ing, -ank, -onk, - unk, and -ink)
  • phonics: compound words
  • reading: finish reading Snowshoe Hare's Winter Home (objective 1 - use information from illustrations and words in a text to demonstrate an understanding of its characters, objective 2 - demonstrate understanding of key details in a text)
  • reading: read Something Told the Wild Geese (objective -  describe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a poem)
  • comprehension: compare the characters in Snowshoe Hare's Winter Home to those in Trouble at the Sandbox - discuss/chart similarities and differences in their points of view
  • Power Hour - continue to work on becoming better readers, spellers, and comprehenders
  • writing: we need to take a step back and review sentence structure.  Many of the kids are struggling to write basic sentences.  We will be working on how to form a simple sentence this week.
We have no school on Friday so that we can prepare for conferences.  The on-line conference scheduler will be open to parents on October 3rd.  Conferences will be on October 12th and 13th.  To schedule, go to and select the Online Scheduler link.  On the scheduler page: 
  1. Choose 'Bridger' from the drop down list and click "go."
  2. Enter the school password (bears).
  3. Enter your student's ID (it is their lunch number).
  4. Verify your student's birth date.
  5. A list of teachers will be displayed - check the box next to the name of each teacher you would like to meet with.  Ms. Navarro and I will be conducting conferences together, so you only need to schedule one conference to meet with both of us.
  6. Select the conference time that works best for your schedule.  Once you have finished, confirm your appointment details and print your schedule.
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