May 26 & 27

We have successfully made it to the end of the school year!  Looking through our end of year data, I am pleased to see so much growth.  We had two students that increased their reading rates by over 80 words per minutes, and another six that increased more than 50 words per minute.  The average word per minute gain was 29 words per minute, and almost ninety percent of DLI students reached the reading comprehension benchmark for the end of second grade!

That brings me to a worrisome topic for teachers at this time of year; the summer slide.  Summer slide occurs when young minds sit idle for three months.  Students that do not read over the summer can lose up to three months worth of reading growth.  I see it at the beginning of every school year when I compare their end of first grade scores to their beginning second grade scores.  The saddest part for teachers is that it is entirely preventable!

Here are some suggestions for preventing the summer slide:
It doesn't take much to help maintain the important skills your child has learned this year, and it can be part of your summer fun.  Please make your child's continued education a priority this summer.

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