- writing: We have been working on a writing/art project for a contest that Logan City is hosting. They will be working on a paragraph about what they like about Logan to go along with an oil pastel picture they created of Logan.
- reading comprehension: continue with Change Makers
- math: finish up telling time to five minutes and AM & PM
- math: start working on money (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and one-dollar bill) - coin recognition and counting groups of mixed coins
- phonics: continue to practice concepts that we have learned previously
We have several special events coming up this week:
pizza party for students that sold a lot of chocolate on Monday (by invitation only)
school-wide field day on Tuesday
AR goal reward: swimming at the Aquatic Center on Wednesday from 10-2
awards night on Thursday (by invitation only!)
school-wide carnival on Friday @ 6 PM