May 23-25
- social studies: national symbols - the Statue of Liberty, the American flag, the Bald Eagle, and the Liberty Bell
- math: continue to practice counting small groups of coins
- reading: continue with power hour
We will be traveling to Heritage Elementary on Tuesday to meet the pen pals that we have been corresponding with all year. School will be dismissed on Wednesday at 12:00.
May 16-20
- writing: We have been working on a writing/art project for a contest that Logan City is hosting. They will be working on a paragraph about what they like about Logan to go along with an oil pastel picture they created of Logan.
- reading comprehension: continue with Change Makers
- math: finish up telling time to five minutes and AM & PM
- math: start working on money (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and one-dollar bill) - coin recognition and counting groups of mixed coins
- phonics: continue to practice concepts that we have learned previously
We have several special events coming up this week:
pizza party for students that sold a lot of chocolate on Monday (by invitation only)
school-wide field day on Tuesday
AR goal reward: swimming at the Aquatic Center on Wednesday from 10-2
awards night on Thursday (by invitation only!)
school-wide carnival on Friday @ 6 PM
Practicing time at home.
Please help them practice telling time at home by giving them a time to show you on their clock. We have been learning how to tell time to the nearest five minutes. The top petals represent the hour, the petals underneath represent the minutes. Thanks for your help!
May 9-13
- phonics - we have finished formal phonics instruction!!!!! We will continue to practice what we have learned for a short time each day.
- comprehension - finish up Change Makers
- writing - continue with Response to Literature (finish up apple writing and move on to deserts)
- math: time (analog and digital, telling time to the nearest five minutes, am & pm)
- orchestra assembly - Monday @ 1:30
The deadline for AR goals is Friday, May 13th. Everyone in the red class has made it with the exception of one student. The blue class still has nine students that have not reached their goal yet. For the students that meet their goal, we will be going to the Logan Aquatic Center of Wednesday, May 18th (please don't rain!!).
May 2-6
- phonics: the four sounds of /ea/
- phonics: the five sounds of /ei/ and /ie/
- writing: continuing our response to literature activities (pulling information from text and using it as a source of information for writing) - you should have seen a narrative piece about a bean plant come home last week
- reading comprehension: continue with Change Makers - objective: to identify the main idea of a passage, to ask and answer questions to clarify meaning, to use text features to find information in the text quickly
- orchestra concert on Monday @ 1:45
There are two weeks left to earn points towards AR goals. The deadline is May 13th.
Most kids are on track to reach their goal at this point. There are only two that I am concerned about. I will send home progress reports on AR point totals one day this week.
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