January 12 -16
Happy foggy Monday morning! We have a short day on Friday, the 16th. School will be dismissed at 12:00. Here is what we will be working on in English this week:
- DIBELS testing on Thursday (to assess how well students are reading)
- Finishing up our chronological narrative - we still need to add details and write sentences
- phonics: common word list #3 - at, or, be, one, this, have, by, from, word
- phonics: t, v, w, x, y, and u
- phonics: punctuation
- phonics: common word list #4 - but, we, not, when, what, your, all, were, can, said
- accuracy strategy: skip the word, then go back
- accuracy strategy: trade a word, guess a word
- extending vocabulary strategy: use the dictionary
- Words Their Way assessment (to assess improvements in spelling skills)