Here is what we will be working on in English class this week:
- math: greater than, less than
- math: hundreds place value quiz
- math: using place value to add/subtract tens and hundreds
- content: the importance of balance in a diet
- comprehension strategy: using pictures, illustrations, and diagrams
- comprehension strategy: using text features
- comprehension strategy: author's purpose (PIE - persuade, inform, educate)
- narrative writing about the best day you ever had - circle map, flow map, adding transition words and details
- Daily 5: continuing to work on becoming fluent readers who can effectively comprehend fiction and non-fiction text (ie: read grade-level text with purpose and understanding)
- word work: distinguish long and short vowels in regularly spelled one-syllable words
Here is what we will be working on in Spanish class this week:
- sight words: algo, caer, fuego, manera, nido, nubes
- discussing the characteristics of fiction versus non-fiction
- spelling words: gota, llego, apaga, ganso, persigue, regalo, guiso, gato, gol, alguna, guinda, fuego
- content: food words (vegetables, fruit, dessert, beverage)
- content - making good food choices to maintain a balanced diet
- math: review skip-counting, place value (centenas, decenas, and unidades), number words (0-1,000)
- math: different ways to write numbers (standard form, word form, expanded form, and picture form)
- math: greater than and less than
Here is what we will be working on in English this week:
- narrative writing - with details and transition words
- writing from a flow map
- writing a topic sentence
- writing a concluding sentence
- comprehension strategy: using pictures, illustrations, and diagrams
- fluency strategy: adjust rate
- comprehension strategy: using text features
- Daily 5: continuing to work on becoming fluent readers that comprehend text
- math: place value - multiple tens (ie: 14 tens = 140)
- math: using place value to add/subtract - subtracting hundreds and tens
- math: skip-counting by tens and hundreds when the beginning number is not a ten or hundred (ie: 237, 337, 437, etc)
- Tuesday: Veteran's Day assembly @ 1:00
Wow, October flew by! Welcome to November.
Here is what we will be working on in English class this week:
- final assessment for writing a letter (ie: can they do it without my help)
- math test on Tuesday: chapter 1 - place value, odds and evens, skip-counting by fives and tens
- continued narrative writing practice
- reading comprehension strategy: summarize
- expanding vocabulary strategy: tune in to interesting words
- math: adding two digit numbers (no regrouping yet)
- sight words: many, these, time, no/know
- how to use a dictionary
- Daily 5: we've shuffled a few kids this week that met goals, or who needed different instruction - so, if your child says they have a new teacher for reading, you know why. There will be big changes to Daily 5 for the red class next week.